Built to run a maze in a specified amount of time, I built and coded robots to complete this task. The orange robot shown in the photo slideshow has a 3D main body and a ton of inefficient parts such as the TS25GA34 DC motors. The 9V battery pack ended up insufficient and the robot was inaccurate. However, as my first robot built from scratch, it was a good experience and I learned a lot.
Laser printed model airplanes built from balsa wood, mylar film, and other materials. They are built to fly as long as possible only propelled using a winded rubber band to turn the propeller. Our longest flight time has been around two and a half minutes. They plane weights ~8 grams and flys in a counter-clockwise turn.
High strength to weight efficiency bridges and towers built using balsa wood and cyranoacrylate glue. The best bridges I built weighed around 6 grams and held 15kg in the center of a gap with an efficiency score of holding 2500x times weight